Overview of Neukol Classroom

What is Neukol Classroom?——Stage, Seating area, Control Bar

Sofiya avatar
Written by Sofiya
Updated over a week ago

Neukol Classroom is the main part of the Neukol Platform, it provides teachers and students with a professional and versatile virtual class.

Neukol Classroom includes 3 parts: Stage, Seating area and Control bar.


The stage is the main area for teachers and students to interact. Teachers can use the Blackboard mode, File sharing mode and Shared(screen) mode.

At the same time, we provide a very functional Tool Bar(toolkit), Tab Page, Network Status and the On-stage Management in the top-left corner.

Blackboard mode

A wonderful place where all the magic happens. Teachers can use different kinds of tools like text, brush, eraser(Using Blackboard Tools)...Blackboard is the place, where all interactions with students take place.

File sharing mode

Teachers love to use their resources in pdf PowerPoint slides or videos and music. Teachers can upload their resources to the cloud. Open files and share them with students. (How to share files in the class)

Shared (screen) mode

Teachers can share their PC screens with their students. (Screenshare in the class)

Tool Bar (on the stage)

Cursor, Select/move, Brush, Text, Picture, Eraser (Using Blackboard Tools)

Seating area

The seating area has two mode: Normal View (contains 9 people at most) and One Row View (contains 16 people at most). And also provides Seat Rotation, Mute, Reward, Authorization, On-stage and other features(including a dual camera).

Control Bar

Control Bar provides teachers with a variety of online classroom management tools. Including Tools(Timer, Stopwatch, Dice, Responder and Quiz), Raise, Mute All, Chat, Control, Cloud and Roster.

Teachers and students can also switch their Cameras and Microphones.

Teachers can Record the class, Share the screen, take a Snapshot, Invite students, and Leave the classroom here.

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