Authorizing students

How to give students the authorization/How to authorize students

Sofiya avatar
Written by Sofiya
Updated over a week ago

In some cases, you might need to interact with your students on the blackboard. Before that, you should authorize them.

What features can be authorized to students?

Once authorized, students can

  • Use blackboard tools

  • Use Cloud (need to be confirmed)

  • Share screen

Authorize/Unauthorize a single student

Student window

Find the student you want to authorize/unauthorize, and click here.

In Roster

Operating in Roster is a better choice if you can't see all the students in the seating area.

Open Roster, and find the student you want to authorize/unauthorize. Click here.

Authorize/Unauthorize all students

Click 「Control」, and choose to authorize or unauthorize all students in your class.

You can also operate in Roster. Click here to authorize or unauthorize all students.

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